Uruguay V South Korea Live Thoughts


forlan 300x273 Uruguay V South Korea Live Thoughts

The start of the knockout stages always makes me rather sad. Because it signals that the end of another World Cup isn’t too far away, but on the plus side, we get to see some of the best nations in the world attempt to become a hero. I’m sure most of you American readers are preparing yourself for the big game tonight, and with USA finishing top there has never been a better chance in moderns times for America to really challenge at the top stage. The fixtures for the last 16 have just came up on the screen and I think this is an exciting draw and although this has been a strange world cup in terms of talking points, it hasn’t lost any of it’s excitement or enthusiasm, and we are seeing football reach out to even more people. But enough of the analytical crap of how good football is, we have the first knockout game of the tournament right now! The impressive Uruguay come up against a South Korean side that can always cause problems. I will be watching from England on ITV1 and you can follow me on Twitter @Clusks or leave a comment below:

- England fans seem confident we’re going to beat the German’s, but I can’t help but feel that this is more of the underestimating that the previous group opponents were given. If Barry plays his defensive midfielder role like he did against Slovenia, Oezil will rip the team to shreds, as he was too keen to break forward – the problem that often hindered a Gerrard/Lampard partnership. I can’t call it though, I think the teams are even, England have the edge in experience, but the pace of the German’s can cause the English centre backs a lot of problems. Everyone seems to be talking about penalty shoot outs prior to this game, but I think the game won’t go that far, one team is going to take it, it just depends which one.

- The fallout of the World Cup is often the players who have impressed in order to be snapped up by the big teams. So far, Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Oezil and Portugal goalkeeper Eduardo have been some of the players I reckon may have a chance of a big transfer. There’s been a few, but those three in particular seem to fit the bill.

- In terms of this game, I can’t see past Uruguay, South Korea were undone 4-1 by Argentina, and Uruguay have a lot of pace up front that is similar to Argentina. I’ve put a bet on Forlan to be first goalscorer at 4/1, he was brilliant in the South Africa game and in my opinion if you’re going to name the top 20 players in the world at the moment, he would be in it. Maybe even top 10! ITV are giving a video segment about Diego Forlan at Manchester United, they ALWAYS mention that every time he plays, but let’s face it, it was one of those things, just a young player making a step up too fast.

- Key man watch: South Korea rely upon Ji-Sung-Park quite a bit and look to him to provide a spark, I’m sure Uruguay will be looking to shut him down, although don’t let that take anything away from this under rated side. As for Uruguay, Diego Lugano is a rock at the back and he is also good in the air so any set piece could see get a goal.

- Craig Burley is the co-commentator for ITV, if you’ve never heard him before, he’s a former Scotland international that is quite critical, but he is better than listening to some of the other commentators in this country. I wish the UK commentators were like Italy, Spain, Mexico or Argentina, those guys go mental at any goal. My favourite goal of all time is Zidane’s in the Champion’s League final against Leverkusen, it was made even better when I looked it up on Youtube, it sounds like there are about six guys in a tiny room jumping about, screaming their heads off.

- Korea national anthem – while the majority of the players put their hand on their heard Jung-Woo-Kim gives an American military style salute – God bless South Korea!

- Commentator made a good point there, he said “this is the point where the World Cup get’s serious”. At first I thought that was a load of rubbish, but in truth a lot of the party atmosphere we see in the group games goes, as pure tension takes over.

- Also if you want a last minute bet tip, put under 2.5 goals for this game, since it’s the first one in the knockouts you can expect something a bit cagey, and they are also both good teams that will fancy their chances.

Kick Off!

1 Mins: Oh god. First knockout stage game and look at all the empty seats once again. FIFA really need to sort out the pricing for Brazil 2014, just make it cheaper you muppets.

2 Mins: Within 2 minutes my two key men clash! Park has space to run into the Uruguay half but Lugano stands his group and effortlessly wins the ball back for his country. I think Lugano can edge his way onto list of top stars of the tournament, Uruguay are the only team left in this World Cup that haven’t conceded a goal.

5 Mins: South Korea win a free kick in a good position, and after an age waiting for it to be taken Chu-Young Park takes it and hits the outside of the post. Keeper was beaten there.

6 Mins: South Korea are nervous at the back, as there is a scramble in the middle of their box as three defenders gave their best tribute to the three stooges, as they struggled to get the ball out. It eventually fell to Forlan, but his tame shot was gathered by the keeper.

8 Mins: GOAL! SUAREZ! Dammit Forlan, don’t you get on the wing to pass the ball, you should be scoring it and making me money. Uruguay have a patient build up, and Cavani plays an odd ball that sends Forlan out wide, it’s a lovely touch by the Atletico Madrid player to take him past his marker, and he hit’s a nothing ball across the box which has the defenders just watching and the goalkeeper scrambling. It eventually falls to Ajax’s Suarez who can easily tap it in. 1-0 to Uruguay.

- I heard last season Barcelona were lining up Suarez to replace Henry at one point, so I wanted to see what he was all about. Every time I have watched him play, he’s never quite lived up to the billing that people have given him, but he lost his marker easy there and got a good goal. Will be very difficult for South Korea from here.

13 Mins: South Korea are struggling with the counter, much like they did against Argentina, it appears that they haven’t quite grasped the South American style. Cavani was able to break easy there, and played a good ball out to Suarez who attempted to beat his man but was unable to. In the end, it fell to Arevalo who attempted the volley but it went over. Still, with the way that ball was dropping, I don’t think there would be anyone who wouldn’t want to belt that.

- Latin American teams this year are looking better than ever, it isn’t just Brazil and Argentina that are getting all the attention.

21 Mins: Uruguay show no nerves at all here, very comfortable and patient, they are controlling the pace of the game. As things stand, they look happy to just slow things down for a while

24 Mins: A lovely back heel from Suarez as he almost set Forlan on his way in another counter attack, but Uruguay were forced to hold the ball up. Still, they look to have the advantage over the Asians in every way so far.

27 Mins: Korea almost got caught there Jung-Soo Lee spent too long on the ball, and the tackle almost set Suarez away, but he was flagged offside. A bit of a let off really, South Korea aren’t really offering anything at the moment and Uruguay look very happy.

30 Mins: Oh dear, the replay has finally came up of the Suarez offside mentioned above, he was actually onside. A true let off for Korea. Korea have finally had their first bit of excitement through Park-Ji Sung though! He breaks down the left and attempts to put the ball into the box, but Arevalo is able to scrambling it away.

31 Mins: Chu-Young Park has South Korea’s best effort from open play so far, a swerving shot fr0m outside the area just goes past the diving Muslera in the Uruguay goal. Hopefully that will kick them gear, I bet the millions watching back at home aren’t impressed.

35 Mins: Chung-Yong Lee could of had a crack there, but was unselfish and tried to play a team mate in who gave away the foul. Seemed to open up there, I’d like to see one of the Korean attackers really take the game by the scruff of the neck and get at them.

37 Mins: For all my Korea bashing, that are starting to liven up a bit now and they’re pushing Uruguay deeper into their own half. Also, the pitch looks terrible.

38 Mins: Jung-Woo is the first player to get a yellow card, good decision from the referee who is from Germany. From the freekick, it is hit into a lonely Suarez, who somehow manages to get a header in while being marked by two players. Suarez isn’t exactly Uruguay’s answer to Luca Toni…

- I wonder if Uruguay could keep their discipline if they concede here, they haven’t so far at this tournament so they’ll be starting to forget what it feels like.

41 Mins: Du-Ri Cha (a right back) has one of the most ambitious shots of the tournament and although it has a bit of dip on, it is still well over the bar. Not even the commentator’s yelp of excitement could spice that one up.

44 Mins: A handball penalty shout, as Uruguay get on the break again, with Maxi Pereira heavily involved, he plays a beautiful flick over the defenders head then attempts to volley the ball and it looked like it hit the defenders hand in the box. Don’t think it was intentional, but those can be given. Replay suggests that he did have his hand out, I would have given that (if I had the benefit of video replay).

45 Mins: Cha, the right back from four minutes ago, has had another dig at goal but no surprise to see it go over the bar. You’re not Maicon.

Half Time!

- Uruguay go in at half time with the lead, they started out fast and then looked to hit the Korean’s on the counter attack. South Korea aren’t really offering too much to make the defence panic, and instead, Uruguay look very well organised and hard to break down. I can’t see much changing in the early parts of the second half, and we will see how good the Uruguay defence truly is when Korea are forced into throwing everything at them.

- I keep needing to correct myself, every time I go to write Diego Forlan’s name I put Forland. I also think I’m handling the Korean players names quite well considering I’m not too familar with the team.

- The major talking point in England right now is how many pairs of glasses does Edgar Davids actually have? Every single game he is analysing for ITV he brings out a different style. He must have packed an extra suitcase full of them. He does look quite bored though, I’m guessing he got that job with ITV because BBC sgot Seedorf – “I see your Seedorf and raise you Davids”.

- Adrian Chiles actually made a funny joke! He questioned Edgar Davids on what he would do with Korea by saying “Edgar, I now name you as South Korea coach…before Sven Goran Eriksson takes the job – what would you do here?’. Ha ha – Sven loves money. Sven, Juande Ramos and Felipe Scolari – they could buy a small island between them.

Second Half Kick Off!

46 Mins: Would be slightly ironic now if Sven took the South Korea job.

48 Mins: Main observation so far is some of the frantic Uruguayan flag waving in the front row, two people going for it.

49 Mins: Not the sort of thing you want to do at the start of a second half when you’re losing, South Korea gift the ball to Suarez, but his shot is tame.

50 Mins: Good chance for Korea there, the left back Lee-Young Pyo makes an great run down the left and the ball in is a dangerous one that is left by Chu-Young Park, but Uruguay are able to clear.

52 Mins: Another decent chance for Chu-Young Park, but he smashes it over the bar as he attempted to put everything into it. Still, this is good from Korea, a lot more aggressive on their behalf.

53 Mins: A deep freekick from Ki loops in the air, and all Muslera can do is tip it out for a corner. Korea need to keep up the pressure on goal.

55 Mins: Diego Lugano doesn’t lead by example here, as he is almost caught out by Park-Ji Sung and the ball eventually falls to C-Y Park again, but his shot is blocked. Uruguay maybe getting a bit nervous at the back? They’re certainly sitting back here, a lot like Greece against Argentina.

59 Mins: Some more good work by Korea as they pressure the right wing, and Cha is able to get forward and play a good ball into the head of Park-Ji Sung, but the header doesn’t have enough power on it. Muslera gives the Uruguayan press a picture for tomorrow’s papers, as he over emphasizes the dive to get the ball.

61 Mins: First substitution for Korea, Jae-Sung Kim is off and on comes former Middlesbrough man Dong-Gook Lee.

64 Mins: A good cross in from Ki there, but there isn’t a great deal in the box and Uruguay can clear through Lugano.

67 Mins: A lot of heavy rain coming down at the stadium, maybe time to go to a more direct game.

68 Mins: GOAL! C-Y LEE! Well the rain may have played a part, as it is a direct ball from a freekick that has got the goal and the Uruguayan defence looks lost. Muslera is at fault for the goal, he went into no man’s land as the ball deflected up and into the path of Bolton’s Chung-Yong Lee for an easy header to score. This changes the game, Uruguay won’t want to go to extra time here and will want to get the victory fast, South Korea on the other hand will feel they can win this one as they have shaken the South Americans.

71 Mins: Another chance for C-Y Lee! A good pass into the Korean gives him time to line up his shot, but he gets it all wrong and side foots it low and straight at the goal keeper. I wonder if Uruguay can respond after defending for so long. South Korea look the better side now. Just had a replay from a Forlan freekick previously, where it looked like the goal keeper had maybe taken the ball over the line. Hard to tell, I don’t think the entire ball was over.

73 Mins: Poor defending from South Korea, Suarez is just onside and attempts to get the ball in the box, but his strike becomes a shot on goal that Sung-Ryong Jung is forced to punch out.

74 Mins: South Korea are having a mare at defending, a long ball is thumped into Suarez, and one player is being lazy and not getting out which plays the Ajax man onside in space, but he can’t do anything with his chance.

75 Mins: Substitute for Uruguay, Pereira is off and on comes the youngster Lodeiro. Moments later, a decent chance for Forlan who is in space but he scuffs his shot. A great game for the final fifteen minutes here, the rain could be a deciding factor.

79 Mins: I can see quite a lot of people gathering on the stairs in the crowd, where the hell are they going?!

80 Mins: A session of Uruguay corners here. Is everyone avoiding the rain here? It’s mental, there’s more empty seats now than at the start.

80 Mins: GOAL! SUAREZ! Another contender for goal of the tournament, South Korea can’t fully clear the corner and Suarez has the ball just inside the left side of the box, he is able to beat his man and curls his shot perfectly into the side of the goal, the stadium goes silent as the ball travels through the air before hitting the post and going in. Brilliant from Suarez, I can’t see Korea replying this time. 2-1 to the South Americans.

84 Mins: Suarez is coming off, and they’ll be chanting his name back in Uruguay tonight, man of the match performance as Alvaro Fernandez takes his place. Korea have taken off Ki Sung-Yeung and brought on Yeom Ki-Hun.

86 Mins: Dong Gook has a great chance, but his shot goes under Muslera and doesn’t reach the goalmouth. A good chance for the Koreans that has been wasted.

?? Mins: I don’t know what’s happening?! My TV has broke! It’s a running live commentator’s worst nightmare!

92 Mins: I’m back, no Idea if anything else has happened , it doesn’t sound like anything has. Phew.

Full Time!

- The first ever world champions look good here and many will back them to make it to the semi finals. They’ve finally got a team that is at least decent in all areas, as opposed to the days where they relied heavily upon Recoba etc. A shame to see South Korea go, but they gave it a good go and were impressive in this World Cup. The winner will take on tonight’s victor, and I’m wondering what all you American fans make of this Uruguay team, as you could be playing them for a place in the semi-finals. Suarez didn’t exactly play amazing, but he got the two goals, and that is all you would ask for from a front man really, we’ve seen it time and time again with some of the best front men in the game, Eto’o against Chelsea this season for Inter is a good example, as he played poor all match but came out of nowhere to bang home a goal for his team. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the game tonight!
