DT Giveaway: Savile Rogue classic cashmere football scarf

In recent weeks, we've shown you some truly terrible gift ideas but now we've teamed up with Savile Rouge to give you the chance to win a great holiday gift -- one of the world's finest cashmere football scarves in your club's colors (or those of someone on your gift list if you're crazy enough to pass it on).

These aren't the friendship scarves made of cheap nylon and covered in logos that are all too common these days -- they're old school, comfortable and classy enough to wear even when you're not screaming insults at Fernando Torres at a match that Fernando Torres isn't even playing in. And all you have to do to win one is hit the "like" button on the Dirty Tackle Facebook page. We'll choose a winner from the page at random on Wednesday, November 28 and for everyone who doesn't get the scarf, we'll post a discount code there to make everyone a winner. Hooray! Now get to it.

You can also follow Savile Rogue on Twitter or Facebook.
