Aleks Kolarov remains menacingly still in Man Citys Harlem Shake video

At this point, it would seem that everyone on the planet is required by law to appear in a "Harlem Shake" video. That's the bad news. But the good news is that this meant Man City's most serious leftback, Aleksandar Kolarov, was bound to appear in one and when he did, he did not disappoint.

Man City's "Harlem Shake" video is pretty much like all the others, except for Kolarov -- who sullenly stares into the camera, arms crossed, shirt tied over his shoulders, as the scripted madness unfolds around him. And it's terrifying. This is how he will appear in your night terrors.

Previously in Kolarov emotionlessness: Aleks Kolarov tells you how to cook sprouts and then he kicks them, Aleks Kolarov delivers a dramatic reading of Jingle Bells
