Nike marks Wayne Rooneys return with creepy ad

Wayne Rooney was forced to sit out England's first two Euro 2012 group stage matches due to a suspension for deliberately kicking Montenegro's Miodrag Dzudovic in his side's final qualifying match back in October. But with England now in position to advance to the quarterfinals with one group match against Ukraine left to play, Rooney is eligible to return to the squad and Nike has decided to capitalize on that anticipation.

As a continuation of their "My time is now" campaign, which debuted during the Champions League final, the new ad features a close-up of a shirtless and sullen Rooney as a soundtrack of commentators calling some of his goals plays over it. As the camera pushes in uncomfortably close on Wayne, a voice referring to the Montenegro incident is heard saying, "Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you did to your country tonight." Wayne then looks directly into the camera and you instantly die.
