Bundesliga CEO says Qatar World Cup is not for the good of the game
It's been three years since Qatar was awarded hosting duties for the 2022 World Cup and the top brass of football leagues and organizations are starting to realize that this might be really terrible. A lightning bolt of common sense hit FIFA president Sepp Blatter a few days ago, when he argued that air conditioned stadia alone wouldn't help the "array of social and cultural activities" that make up the World Cup. And now Bundesliga CEO Christian Seifert has stated how irrational the whole concept is and how moving the World Cup to winter would wreak havoc on club football.
From the BBC:
Bundesliga chief executive Christian Seifert said "I am not sure legally you can say 'we'll just play in winter'."
Sepp Blatter, president of world governing body Fifa, said last week it is "not rational and reasonable'' to play in the summer heat in Qatar, but has stopped short of advocating a winter World Cup.
Seifert said it is "impossible" to play in Qatar in the heat of the summer, adding that the decision to hold the tournament in the Middle East country is "not for the good of the game".
But Seifert isn't backing Blatter on this issue. He's pointing a finger squarely at FIFA.
"I'm not sure of the credibility of Fifa.
"It shows me Fifa, as a body which says what's good for the game, ignores completely the day-by-day basis in those leagues who are effectively the core and the heart of football - not the tournament that comes up every four years."
Seifert does have a point, but this shouldn't be news to him. FIFA doesn't care a! bout "th e core and the heart of football." FIFA cares about the massive party/cash cow they directly benefit from every four years at a given nation's expense. "The core and the heart of football?" FIFA headquarters is shaking with laughter at that one. But will having the World Cup in Qatar inhibit FIFA's ability to print money? That's the question that has Blatter doubting the decision.
So now that everyone is coming their senses, what now? Well, Seifert says it's out of his hands. "At the end of the day the lawyers decide if there is a re-vote. I am absolutely sure if countries like England see a chance of a re-vote they will force a re-vote."
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