The England squads Copacabana Beach session in pictures

England arrived in Brazil for their friendly at the Maracana following a drab 1-1 draw against Ireland. Perhaps to inspire rejuvenation and new life into the team, one of their first stops after landing in Rio was the famous Copacabana Beach for a warm down session. These are the postcard worthy images from that session...

Theo Walcott wears sunglasses for the session because he's cool like that. If you ask him, he'll tell you. He'll just be like, "Hi, I'm Theo Walcott. I play football. And I'm super cool. Do you want to read my children's books now?"

Ashley Cole, meanwhile, thinks he spotted a former Chelsea intern pointing an air gun at him in the distance, but realizes it's just a palm tree.

Rooney: That Manchester United shirt doesn't look official. And as a Nike UK athlete, I can technically arrest you for wearing it.

Random beach goers challenge England to a friendly match in the sand. The players awkwardly pretend they don't hear them.

Roy Hodgson shows Rio what sexy looks like.

Rooney: Yeah, it's a fake. Under the international authority of the Nike Sportswear Police, I hereby sentence you to keep the bathtub in my hotel room filled with suntan lotion the entire time I'm here. Seriously. If you don't, my skin will explode.

Frank Lampard gets his picture ! taken wi th David Luiz's grandfather.

Walcott: Alex, you should pop on a pair of sunglasses so we can wear them together. That would be cool. Two guys wearing sunglasses in Brazil. Chilled out. Keeping it swaggy. I'm going to check my phone now. See if I have any messages. Pfft. My parents called. They're just going to have to wait.
