Bastian Schweinsteiger lashes out about respect at press conference
Bastian Schweinsteiger is a man who commands respect and he thinks you should know it! Hey, are you paying attention? Because you will listen to what he says! He can do 100 push ups in 20 minute! Now pay attention.
From the AFP:
Two days before Bayern take on Schalke Schweinsteiger threatened and insulted the reporter, then telling him: "It's a joke what you write, you don't understand anything, you should treat me with more respect."
"I am a professional midfielder," Schweini probably said. "And people are scared of me!"
The midfielder then left the conference room, only to return to criticise Robben, who the day before had questioned Schweinsteiger's lack of authority when he was captain.
Without mentioning the Dutch international by name he said: "I'm not a small captain, when I say something everyone in the changing room listens to me."
Schweinsteiger then shouted "I drive a Dodge Stratus!" and stormed out of the room.
Photo: Reuters
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