Wayne Rooney thinks this guy looks like Jay-Z
Wayne Rooney is still in Barbados singing karaoke, tanning his transplanted hair and and providing some much needed offseason entertainment to the masses through his Twitter feed. On Wednesday night, he tweeted the above picture, along with the words "Me and Jay z chilling in Barbados."
As you probably realized the second you looked at that picture, that man with his arm around Wayne is not Jay-Z. For one thing, Jay-Z does not wear a name tag. And on top of that, he doesn't look like that guy. When Rooney's followers helpfully pointed this out to him, Wayne replied:
Haha it's a lookalike people @jiggawhat
No, it's really not.
Maybe Wayne was disoriented by the guy's shirt and his own collar, but saying that the man he's with looks like Jay-Z is like saying Wayne Rooney looks like Eminem. Which Wayne may or may not believe to be equally true.
Either way, he's also having a great time with a pelican that he thinks is Lady Gaga.
Pic via KCKRS
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