Gael Clichy was disappointed that Arsene Wenger didnt greet him in the tunnel

Prior to Man City's 1-1 draw against Arsenal on Sunday, Gael Clichy was one of several City players standing in the tunnel when Arsene Wenger passed through. Wenger appeared to spot Clichy before walking right by him without saying a word, which Clichy noticed and took exception to. Clichy played eight seasons for Arsenal before joining the steady stream of players that have moved from North London to Man City in July of 2011, to the chagrin of Wenger.

"It's only been nine years," Clichy tells his teammates after watching Wenger go by, in reference to how long they've known each other. You can see that the French defender was a bit hurt.

Wenger actually did greet Clichy in that moment, though. It would just take him a few extra seconds to smell it.

This could be your future, Theo Walcott. Repent.

Video via 101gg
