Norway goalkeeper Rune Jarstein smashes headset during interview, threatens to punch photographer

Norway earned the first win of their 2014 World Cup qualification campaign with a 2-1 victory in Oslo on Tuesday, but three points on the board didn't stop goalkeeper Rune Jarstein from losing his temper.

In a post-match interview, a journalist for Norway's TV2 asked whether the Viking shot stopper felt he was at fault for the Slovenian goal. The 27-year-old obviously felt he wasn't, as his calm demeanour suddenly gave way to headset-throwing fury.

According to the AP report, Jarstein's inner-Russell Crowe was still running on Wednesday morning, when he nearly engaged in a spot of fisticuffs:

Jarstein apparently had not cooled down by Wednesday, when he reportedly threatened to punch a photographer taking his picture as he left the Oslo hotel where the national team was staying.

Thankfully, the goalkeeper has now cooled his jets and offered an apology for both incidents on the Norwegian FA's website:

"I didn't want to be interviewed or have my picture taken and I expressed that clearly,'' he said of the incident Wednesday. "When I was photographed anyway I felt strongly provoked and made that clear. I regret that my comments were perceived as a real threat, and I strongly apologize for my behavior.''

He also expressed regret for abandoning the TV interview but said "I felt the focus of the interview was wrong.''

Jarstein'saggravation was surely excessive, but judging by the highlights below, itmay be justified. There appears to be little he can do about the Slovenian free kick or the follow-up...
