Preston North End manager Graham Westley releases eight players by text message

Fulfilling Dirty Tackle's new premise as a one-stop shop for all Preston North End-related stories, we bring you news that manager Graham Westley told eight of his squad not to turn up to pre-season training via text message.

The players were expecting to show up at Preston's training ground on July 3rd, but the Daily Mail report that the unfortunate eight were given their marching orders via the world's longest SMS (warning: contains irritating teenage-style text message spelling):

Lads. U are one of 8 players that I expect to have left the club by the start of the season. Accordingly, as u hve previously been told, you will be joining a special training routine pre season and will not be included in the 1st team training at PNE. Your training begins on tuesday july 10, and not july 3. I will send more details nearer the time. You are free to meet prospective employers between now and then. Please inform me b4 u attend any meeting. Do not attend the club training ground please and do not go abroad. U may be required on the same day to attend a transfer meeting. Details for July 10 will be with you in due course. In the meantime, please keep following the pre pre [sic] season work u were given. GW

Westley has made no secret of his displeasure with the Preston squad since joining the League One side in January. At the end of last season he released 14 players and transfer listed a further seven, criticizing "some of the most mediocre standards I've ever seen in my life."

With such a brutally candid approach to management, it's little wonder! that Richard Wright has left the club after a week due to 'home sickness'...
