Casillas apologizes for and laughs at his mistakes on Facebook

Casillas apologizes for and laughs at his mistakes on Facebook

Most people try to use their Facebook pages to let everyone know how great they are. Iker Casillas, however, has adopted a different approach that spotlights the humanity of professional athletes and the humor in their occasional and inevitable mistakes.

In a series of postings on his official Facebook page after making a couple of slip-ups in Real Madrid's 6-2 win over Rayo Vallecano on Saturday, Casillas shared links to four YouTube videos from as far back as 2007 and said things like: "im [sic] sorry!" and "people make mistakes, nobody's perfect" and "the best thing you can do when you make a mistake is take it with humor. I'm human." and "I am leaving you more [videos]! And know that there are several more but I cannot find them ... or do not want to find them! Hahahaha!"

Here are the videos San Iker used to illustrate his holy imperfections...

It would be nice if more people took the attitude of "everyone makes mistakes" and "Hahahahaha!" But it'll be harder to convince fans to do that following a gaffe that loses an important match instead of two days after a 6-2 win and while looking at old YouTube clips.

Photo: Getty
