Nile Ranger spelled his name in money before getting arrested on suspicion of rape

While 21-year-old striker Nile Ranger hasn't been playing much for French Premier League club Newcastle, he has apparently been spending his time quite poorly. Following the Magpies latest home loss to Reading last weekend, Ranger scolded booing fans through his Twitter account.

"Certain fans need to not come and support this team... Coming out to BOOO us.. Stay at home.. Don't need ur BOO's.... SAY NO MORE !!!!" he said. Then added: "Last thing from me... To all the fans. U are not forced to buy season tickets.. Or pay our wages.. Please remember that..." When fans replied to defend their right to boo the underperforming side, Ranger eventually apologized four days later, on Wednesday, saying, "Fans am sorry 4 what I said!was just a bit upset you were booing the lads. But as it says in the bible 'you should forgive thy neighbour'."

On Thursday, Ranger shared a picture through his Instagram account of his own last named spelled out in 20 notes on a floor somewhere. Hours later, Ranger was arrested on suspicion of rape after a woman alleged that she was attacked at a hotel in Newcastle between Wednesday and Thursday. There have no reports as to whether Ranger quoted Bible passages to the police, though.
