DTotD: Kid lifts off after taking shot to the face

When kicking off, you don't usually see footballers take a David Luiz style run up to the ball and fire it at the opposing team, but the kid at the start of this video decided to give it a try. And after kicking the ball and charging ahead like an invading army of one, a player on the opposing team decided to blast the ball right back where it came from, resulting in the aggressive kick-off kid getting smacked in the face and going launching backwards into the sky.

As the flying kid's father notes in his YouTube description (he uploaded the video apparently), "My son learned a lesson the hard way. ... Best thing of all is that he got up and kept playing and his team ended up scoring. What a tough kid."

Except to see Rino Gattuso give this a try wherever he ends up playing next season.

This has been the Dirty Tackle of the Day: a chronicling of unfortunate events.
