Samir Nasri has a laugh at Arsenal fans who abused him for joining City

When Samir Nasri moved from Arsenal to Man City last summer in a 25 million transfer, many Arsenal fans accused him of being amercenarywho was only out for the money (as opposed to all those people around the world who don't want to get paid as much as possible for their work) and wasn't helping his chances of winning trophies. Well, City won the Premier League title in his first season with club and Arsenal, well, didn't. So now Nasri has decided to rub it in a bit.

From the Guardian:

"People at Arsenal tried to make out that I came here for the money," Nasri told the French television channel TF1. "I hope they are watching me now, collecting my Premier League winner's medal. I believe they have not won a trophy for many years now.

"I made the hard choice to come and fight for my place at a big club, and I have proved it correct. I now hope the Arsenal fans can get on with their lives and forget me.

"If all that I was interested in was money, the easiest decision would have been to stay at Arsenal, picking up my money every week and walking into the team. There are many people doing this right now at Arsenal."

Though he had twice as many goals in his last season with Arsenal, Nasri made 31 league appearances for City despite his critics' claims that he would never play there. He also set up nine goals for his teammates, eight more than he did in 2010/11.

No matter how justifiable they are after the rabid abuse hereceived, comments like these just aren't necessary. If Nasri really wants to get back at Arsenal fans, all he has to do is help convince Robin van Persie to follow! him to City. Although, that would be sadistically cruel.
