Blatter thought 2010 World Cup would end racism everywhere

Blatter thought 2010 World Cup would end racism everywhere

"I did it!"

If you're still trying to figure how FIFA chief buffoon Sepp Blatter could say "there is no racism" in football and explain away all racism that does occur during matches as perfectly reasonable competitive vigor, well, I feel sorry for you. But maybe his latest comments will help clear up his line of thinking.

You see, Sepp has been working under the assumption that he already fixed all of the discrimination and racism in THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD by putting a World Cup in South Africa in 2010.

From Soccernet:

In a fresh TV interview on Thursday, Blatter insisted that he has been at the forefront of trying to tackle racism, telling Fox Soccer: "I can tell you in all my life in football now has been accompanied by fighting discrimination and fighting racism.

"I thought, and I'm still a very optimistic man, that after the World Cup in South Africa where it was really connecting the people, all different races, all different cultures being brought together through football, that not only in the continent of Africa but everywhere in the world that this was over.

"But still, where human beings are, there are still some moments and we can never stop going against racism, against discrimination."

Yeah, there's still one or two moments (everywhere, everyday) where racism and discrimination still pops up but hey, that one sporting event cleare! d up mos t of it, right?

The man is living on another planet in a different dimension. And how could he not be? He's had a long career of being able to do whatever he wants, answering to no one and overseeing one of the largest and safest empires in the world. He has absolutely no relationship with the reality in which the rest of humanity lives. This will continue until he croaks or someone even more powerful than he cares enough to extract him from his position.

Photo: AP
