Real Madrid would like you to see Ronaldo getting mooned

Real Madrid would like you to see Ronaldo getting mooned

When Cristiano Ronaldo scored his goal in Real Madrid's 3-2 win over Valencia over the weekend, he celebrated by laying down near the corner -- a move the home fans didn't particularly appreciate. And while we were too busy enjoying Jose Mourinho's piggyback ride on Jose Callejon, one Valencia fan decided to respond to Ronaldo's gesture with one of his own in the form of his naked rear end.

Ronaldo getting mooned probably happens most every day of the week though. That's not what makes this notable. What is notable is that Real Madrid's official photographer snapped a picture of that moment and it was used as the second photo on the official website's match report (which we have partially covered with Jose Mourinho and his finger binoculars).

As of this writing, the uncensored image has been on the site for a good two days, making this perhaps the most successful mooning in history.

Via @RealGRaf
