DTotD: David Beckham wrecks Indonesian opponent in friendly

DTotD: David Beckham wrecks Indonesian opponent in friendly

The LA Galaxy started their Asia Pacific tour (unofficially known as the "Last Chance to Milk Some Cash Out of David Beckham" tour) with a 1-0 win over an Indonesian National Selection team. Robbie Keane scored in the 14th minute to ensure yet another 1-0 success for his side.

While you might think the Galaxy players wouldn't take these matches seriously, especially just after winning the MLS Cup, but one man proved he definitely is not joking around on this tour: David Beckham. In the 7th minute, Beckham ran down Indonesia's Andik Vermansyah and smashed into him from behind with an angry two-footed lunge. It's unclear what Vermansyah did to deserve this treatment, but he must have said something mean about using a single digit number as a name for a baby. Video of the challenge right this way...

Between this and his piggyback ride on Carlo Costly in the MLS Cup final, it seems Davey is turning into Vinnie Jones in his old age.

After the match, David Beckham the goodwill ambassador once again took over and made a point to interrupt his post-match interview by calling Vermansyah over to trade shirts and share an awkward hug.

Photo: Getty
