Sky Sports reporter breaks down while talking about Gary Speed

As we all try to come to terms with the death of 42-year-old Wales manager and Premier League legend Gary Speed, it's easy to get caught up in the widespread assumptions and guesses surrounding the event itself. There have been many tributes and nice words about Speed in the hours since his death was first reported on Sunday, but perhaps the most heartbreaking moment came from Sky Sports News reporter Bryn Law on Monday.

Reporting from the makeshift memorial outside Elland Road, where Speed played for eight years, it was clear that Law was trying very hard to hold back his emotions while talking about his longtime friend. He shared the fact that Speed texted him a running joke between the two on Saturday and that on Sunday, when rumors of Speed's death started to spread, he texted Speed back in the hopes that he would deny the rumors. "There was no call," said Law as he put his hand over his eyes, finally letting himself cry and grieve over the loss of someone he cares about.
