Naked Ronaldinho webcam video leaks, coach jokes about it

Naked Ronaldinho webcam video leaks, coach jokes about itA webcam video of Ronaldinho doing some solo work in a bathroom has been leaked onto the internet and the only surprise here is that it's taken this long for something like this to happen.

According to Globo, the video was first posted to YouTube, but has since been removed due to the graphic content. Since then, it has, of course, spread to many of the more naked corners of the internet that I'm sure you can find yourself, if so inclined.

Word of the video quickly spread through the Brazilian press and by the time Flamengo's Thursday training ended and manager Vanderlei Luxemburgo's press conference began, the topic of conversation was obvious.

From SambaFoot:

Manager Vanderlei Luxemburgo would not be drawn on the issue, insisting that he 'had nothing to do with it.'

"This is a particular problem for Ronaldinho. I can not control what is on my player's computers," said the coach, to much laughter from the gathered press ranks.

"The only thing I can do is [get] out of the way before this .... blows," finished Luxemburgo to even more laughter.

Egged on by the laughter, Globo reports that Luxemburgo took the jokes a step further by asking which of the assembled journalists had seen the video. Then he said this:

Let me ask a question for you? Who saw the video of Ronaldinho? How big?

Whether this disrupts his game remains to be seen, but it sounds like his relationsh! ip with Luxemburgo just got sufficiently more awkward.

Cutting back on his partying and focusing more on football, Ronaldinho has enjoyed a resurgence with Flamengo and returned to the national team. He's scored 13 goals this season and Flamengo currently sit sixth in the table. And now we know what he's been doing instead of going out to dance and play with Samba bands all night. Even if we didn't want to.
