Napoli owner tells mugged WAG not to wear Rolex during recession

Napoli owner tells mugged WAG not to wear Rolex during recession

Days after Napoli's Marek Hamsik's pregnant wife was carjacked in the city, Ezequiel Lavezzi's girlfriend, Yanina Screpante was mugged at gunpoint.

"And then they say there's no security in Argentina... Naples is a s****y city. They just stole my watch at gunpoint!" she tweeted, in addition to a threat that if anything happens to her, Lavezzi will leave the club. She later apologized for her comments and said she was just "letting off steam," but that didn't stop Napoli's crazypants owner from offering her some advice.

Said Aurelio De Laurentiis, the producer of cinematic classics like Yuppies 2 and Christmas in Beverly Hills (via Football Italia):

"Certain comments in the heat of the moment came from the heightened emotion. I would like to tell Yanina that during a recession she shouldn't go round with a Rolex on her wrist.

"Her scared reaction is justified. Maybe she's not yet 'Neapolitan' enough to deal with this sort of thing.

"Perhaps the girl thought she was untouchable, being Lavezzi's girlfriend, but that is not the case."

Yes, she's just not Neopolitan enough to deal with having a gun pointed at her and her valuables stolen. Silly lady!

Coincidentally, De Laurentiis shouted "I'm ashamed to be Italian! I want to change citizenship!" before storming out of the unfavorable Serie A fixture draw and hitching a ride on a stranger's scooter back in July. Apparently he wasn't Italian enough to deal with that sort of thing.
