David Beckham dresses Victorian, eats Victorian food

David Beckham eats pie and mash

Shortly after shining some shoes, cleaning a chimney and thanking Ebenezer Scrooge for sending a prize turkey to his family home for Christmas, famous Victorian cockney David Beckham visited a pie & mash shop for a plate of traditional English fare.

Clearly assimilating himself back into British culture since returning from Los Angeles, the 36-year-old midfielder has posted a photo on his Facebook page from Tony's Pie & Mash shop in Waltham Abbey, Essex. It's a regular haunt for Becks when he returns to his home nation, and we can only assume he dresses up like a character from a Charles Dickens novel each time he visits.

His usual order, according to The Sun, is double pie, double mash, parsley liquor [that's a green, non-alcoholic gravy], a cup of tea and a side portion of jellied eels. If you're wondering if this kind of traditional comfort food is befitting of a professional sportsman, the answer is 'probably not'. And if you've never tried jellied eels, try to keep it that way.
