Links! And the Andre Villas-Boas guide to dancing!

All the stuff being covered outside the unfriendly confines of the award-winning Dirty Tackle...

I don't remember there being that much squatting in Rocky Horror Picture Show, actuall. [YouTube]

Maybe Man United shouldn't have let Darren Fletcher play through his illness after all. [Surreal Football]

Napoli shoot the weirdest football club calendar you'll see today. [KCKRS]

A shirt that tells what really matters. [TBG]

What, uh, what's going on with Guti's face? [Kickette]

How SOPA will stifle soccer in the U.S. [AFR]

The (mercifully) short footballing career of Muammar Gadaffi's son. [TFB]

Violence reigns in Paraguay. [IBWM]

Arsenal to unveil statue of man checking his texts. [TDM]
