Nicklas Bendtner demands free pizza, begs young girls for money

Nicklas Bendtner demands free pizza, begs young girls for money

Prepare yourselves for what just might be the most Nicklas Bendtner story you've ever heard.

Ekstra Bladent reports that after a drunken Saturday night in Copenhagen, the injured Sunderland striker went into a pizzeria without any money and tried to get himself a free pizza (that sound you hear is David De Gea laughing at him for not just taking a slice and eating it without paying).

From Ekstra Bladent:

"He was f***ing arrogant and came up, as if he owned the place. Everyone just stood and looked at each other and shook their heads over the way he behaved," says a 22-year-old carpenter who ran into Bendtner in front of the pizzeria after a night out. [...]

"He played really stupid. When he could not pay, he demanded to get free pizza and said: 'Do not you know who I am? I can buy the whole pizzeria,'" says one of the staff at Pizza House. [...]

"We told him that it did not matter who he was. If he could not pay, there was no pizza," says the pizza man who does not want his name revealed.

After some time, where Bendtner begged and begged the many pizzeria guests to fund his food, a couple of young girls at last took pity on the famous football player and paid about 120 kroner, which the pizza cost.

Don't believe that? Well, the site also has a phone video of Bendtner arguing with the unnamed pizza man.

Test results have already proven Bendtner to be superhumanly confident, but this proves that he is actually the anti-Balotelli. Instead of "Why always me?" Bendtner asks "Why not always me?" And then he pesters strangers for money so he can buy a pizza shop to prove a point.
