Jose Mourinho shook Vilanovas hand instead of poking him again

Jose Mourinho shook Vilanovas hand instead of poking him again

Has yet another loss to Barcelona brought out a kinder, gentler Jose Mourinho? Instead of blowing his stack and blaming a Qatar Foundation conspiracy for Lionel Messi not getting sent off for a challenge that he probably shouldn't have been sent off for (video here), Mourinho gave a very reasonable response of: "I thought Messi could have been sent off, but until I see it again I won't say more in case I'm wrong." Although, he did credit luck for Barca's latest victory.

But his nicest gesture came just before the match ended, when he went over to Barcelona's bench and shook the hand of Tito Vilanova, who was working his first match since his salivary gland surgery a few weeks ago. Mourinho had previously sent his well-wishes to Vilanova during a press conference, but to see Jose make the effort to go to him and shake his hand (instead of sneaking up behind him and jamming a couple of fingers in his eye like he did three months ago), shows that maybe Jose has finally broken free from the mental clutches of his evil, mustachioed puppet master...

Jose Mourinho shook Vilanovas hand instead of poking him again
