Pepe will bake you cookies

Pepe is an angry man. If you combined the vitriol generated by manager-hating Blackburn fans and the comments section of the Daily Mail website, you might approach the seething indignation that stews within the Real Madrid star.

The defender and occasional midfielder has taken time away from his passion for hacking shinbones and collecting rectangular-shaped red-colored cards from La Liga officials for the rather less furious pastime of baking. Despite being handed a cookie cutter and a rolling pin both of which could easily be fashioned into makeshift weapons the Portuguese international doesn't appear to injure anyone in the clip, and even manages to produce some delectable gingerbread men. "Hey, they're good! Very tasty!" says Pepe, shortly before handing the chef the one he laced with poison.

In related news, Mario Balotelli is the world's most frustrated festive cake decorator.

H/T: 101GG
