DTotD: Boca Juniors U-17 player cries, shoves ref after losing

The Boca Juniors U-17 squad have been taking part in the international Future Champions tournament in Brazil, but after getting eliminated, they proved to be better suited for a lesson on sportsmanship in the present.

A 1-1 draw was all Atletico-MG needed to advance past a nine-man Boca to the semifinals and when the final whistle blew, Boca's Facundo immediately got in the referee's face. The ref showed him a red card, as he had done to two of Facundo's teammates during the match, but Facundo responded by shoving him, throwing a tantrum and crying. This prompted the whole team to lose it a bit and throw footballs around.

The best part of the clip, however, is when the Boca coach goes up to the cameraman and holds his folder in front of it. The lazy standoff between the two, with the cameraman just filming the folder, neither person moving, is an impressive battle of half-hearted wills.

Video via 101gg
