Neymar shares stereotypical reasons for avoiding Europe in soda ad

When Neymar signed a new deal to stay with Santos until 2014 after so many rumors of him going to Europe, many people wondered why the 19-year-old wouldn't capitalize on all the hype surrounding him and make the jump. Well, in this ad for Brazilian soft drink giant Guarana, we get the answer -- he thinks all of Europe is inside the Arctic Circle, devoid of color and food can only be purchased from unintelligible people from south Asia. Also, he would be forced to train in a restrictive snowsuit that acts as Kryptonite to his stepovers while everyone else is allowed wear more traditional football attire.

Judging by all of this and the sign on the "traditional fish and chips" menu, Santos clearly did a tremendous job of brainwashing Neymar into think that Real Madrid and Barcelona are both in a dystopian U.K. Or this is all just a borderline racist joke from the people at Guarana.

Anyway, here's the goal he scored against Kashiwa Reysol to put Santos in the Club World Cup final...

Video via 101gg
