DTotD: Franck Ribery gets booked twice in 30 seconds

Bayern Munich made easy work of Cologne, winning 3-0 and scoring every goal after going a man down when Franck Ribery was booked twice in less than 30 seconds about half an hour into the match.

After landing on his backside in the box, Ribery snapped on the defender who was behind him, Henrique Sereno Fonseca. The two rubbed foreheads and earned a yellow each for the confrontation. Ribery walked away and that seemed to be the end of it unitl Fonseca approached him again and Ribery grabbed him by the throat. That earned Franck a second yellow and a march back to the dressing room, where he presumably played a prank on a stranger and banged an underage prostitute.

Bayern really didn't miss him though, since Mario Gomez, David Alaba and Toni Kroos all scored in the second half. I think Bayern just stumbled upon an effective new tactic.

Video via 101gg
