Tom Cruise wants to make an action movie with David Beckham

David Beckham and Tom Cruise

Since becoming Los Angeles neighbors, professional good looking person David Beckham and professional good looking person Tom Cruise (pictured above leaning on a regular-sized bottle of wine) have struck up a keen friendship: Dave has helped Tom lose weight, Tom has helped Dave with public speaking, and Dave has learned to quickly change the subject when Tom brings up Scientology at the dinner table.

On the red carpet at the London premiere of of the brilliantly named and confusingly punctuated Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol last night, Cruise seemed to offer his British buddy a route into Tinsel Town, should that move to PSG not pan out. The Mirror reports:

It sounds like a Mission: Impossible, but Tom Cruise wants to make a film star out of David Beckham.

Tom, 49, says he's desperately searching for the right script, telling me: "I'd love to do action movies with Beckham. He would be great, he could kick ass."

The diminutive acting legend also joked that Davey Becks would have to teach him to play football before he introduced him to the world of pretending to do things in front of a camera. Beckham, of course, has already has experience on the silver screen, putting in a sterling performance in Goal, Goal II and, er, Goal I! II. ..

