Ashley Cole and Kolo Toure both gave away their community shield medals to fans

As it turns out, footballers don't care much for preseason medals. Especially when they're upset. So for two fans at Villa Park on Sunday, the Community Shield turned into a free medal day courtesy of Ashley Cole and Kolo Toure.

First, we have a bitter Kolo Toure tossing his winner's medal away after Man City beat Chelsea 3-2. From The Mirror:

Kolo Toure has been involved in a angry bust-up with Roberto Mancini over being snubbed in Manchester City's Community Shield win.

The 31-year-old defender exchanged words with the City boss after giving his medal to Villa Park fans in frustration at being left on the bench.

Some fans posted images on Twitter last night with what they claimed had been Toure's medal.

Chelsea defender Ashley Cole on the other hand was apparently just upset about losing when he decided to hand his medal to a seven-year-old Man City fan. Plus he has so many medals for actually winning things (three Premier League titles, seven FA Cups, one Champions League title, one League Cup and three Community Shield wins) that he simply does not have room in his medal drawer for a piddly runner's up thingamabob.

From the Manchester Evening News:

The youngster's dad, James, 46, went to accept it on his son's behalf but Cole insisted on handing it straight to Bailey who was proudly wearing a City shirt.

Delighted Bailey, who lives on Crowland Road, will now not let the medal out of his sight even taking it to bed with him.

The Newall Green Primary School pupil told the M.E.N. that ! Cole's g esture had topped off his day. He said: "I just held out my hand and he gave it to me. It made me feel really happy. I think he must be a nice person because he gave me his medal."

And Bailey who has already been offered 500 for the medal by a friend's dad has written to the England player to say 'thank you' and to ask for his autograph.

Maybe the FA should build up some good will themselves and just hand out 25 medals to each set of fans after the Community Shield. Cut out the middlemen.
