Fiorentina manager clamps down on earrings, headbands and the rolling of shorts

Coming off a disappointing 13th-place finish in Serie A last season and revamping the squad, new Fiorentina manager is putting some structure into the lives of his players. And that means an end to thigh tanning.

From Football Italia:

According to LaGazzettadelloSport, CoachMontellahas decided to implement a new code of conduct to keep his players in check.

This includes banning earrings andjewelleryduring training sessions, limiting the use of hair bands as much as possible and ensuring players do not roll up their shorts in training to get a more even suntan on their thighs.

Montella also instituted a new 8 p.m. curfew during preseason camp (even on off days). So it's probably a good thing that our dear friend Artur Boruc moved on this summer.
