Neymar charters a jet so he can score a great goal for Santos and get compared to Superman

Neymar played six matches in 14 days during Brazil's disappointing silver-medal run at the Olympics. Four days after that he went to Sweden to play 83 minutes of a friendly and a little more than day after that he was back in Brazil leading Santos to a 3-1 win over Figueirense.

From Reuters:

The spikey-haired forward hired a private jet to take himfrom Stockholm to Florianopolis, a 14-hour trip, to try and helphis struggling side revive their Brazilian championshipfortunes.

Santos, who sorely missed the 20-year-old while he wasplaying for Brazil at the Olympic Games, said that the playerhad paid for the trip while Neymar displayed a photograph on hisTwitter account, showing himself lying in bed on board theplane.

Even for a 20-year-old, that had to be an exhausting journey, but that didn't stop him from embarrassing Figueirense's defense to score a lovely equalizer in the 51st minute and set up the go-ahead goal in the 76th minute. He played the full match and afterwards, Santos president Luis Alvaro Ribeiro once again sang his praises.


"I suspect that his father came from Krypton and brought the boy [Neymar] to Earth in a rocket, because the only thing that makes sense is if he is Superman," Alvaro Ribeiro joked toGlobo Esporte.

Well, I don't think Superman ever flew with a Louis Vuitton blanket...
