Dimitar Berbatov reassures his fans, has his agent make dinner for him

With four days left before the transfer window shuts, Dimitar Berbatov's still has yet to leave Manchester United for a club that actually appreciates his goal-scoring promiscuity. And just as word of a potential transfer to Fiorentina starts to get serious, Wayne Rooney has gone down with an injury that could shackle The Continental to Man United for a bit longer.

But as the clock ticks, The Berba decided to put on his best sleeveless T-shirt with the menacing face of a comic book character on it, give a thumbs up and take a picture of his agent finally making himself useful by cooking him dinner to reassure his legion of Berba-babes that everything will be just fine.

From Dimitar's official Facebook page:

Everything is going to be ok, stay calm, but me and my agent, we need to eat too:))..And don't read to many newspapers, they write whatever they want..:))..

If only The Berba could play wherever he wants...he would play in your bedroom. Ha-HA!

Thanks to @Box_to_Box for the tip!
