Jose Mourinho thinks you should now call him the Only One instead of the Special One

Jose Mourinho has achieved something no other manager ever has: winning titles in three of the top leagues (four if you include Portugal) in Europe. He won La Liga last season with current club Real Madrid, he won Serie A twice with Inter, the Premier League twice with Chelsea and the Portuguese Liga twice with Porto. On top of all that, he also won the Champions League with both Porto and Inter, among many other honors.

No matter how many times you see his list of achievements, it remains difficult to appreciate just how impressive all of that is. Thankfully, Jose Mourinho is here to simplify your path to praising him.

From Reuters:

"Like me or not, I am the only one who won the world's three most importantleagues. So, maybe instead of the 'Special One', people should start calling methe 'Only One'," Mourinho said in an interview with Portuguese televisionchannel SIC.

But if you think that sounds pompous and like the same old Jose Mourinho who referred to himself as "The Special One" when he arrived at Chelsea, you're wrong. According to Jose, he's way less selfish now.

"Things have been going well for me, thank God. I am focused on others muchmore these days. The pleasure of winning with Inter Milan was seeing a clubwhich had not won for 50 years winning again.

"That is what entices me more and more, instead of pursuing individualgoals."

Well, when achieving those goals for others leads to you calling yourself the "Only One," that might bedebatable. Meanwhile, in Catalonia, they're taking that "Only One" tag in a direction Mourinho probably didn't intend...
