Napoli owner tries to fake out media by saying Edinson Cavani going to cold city Manchester

Napoli owner and producer of awful movies Aurelio De Laurentiis has a history of conducting press conferences the odd way he goes about the rest of his existence. Last year, he unveiled Gokhan Inler to the press by having the player wear a lion mask. And now, on the final day of the summer transfer window, he decided to have a bit more fun with the media in a press conference about Edinson Cavani's future.

There have been rumors for months that Cavani would move to another club and Napoli fans have been nervous that the man who has scored an astonishing 49 goals in 68 Serie A appearances for the club would leave just before the deadline. So, ever the entertainer, De Laurentiis had a little fun with the tension. From the PA:

The new deal was announced at an elaborate press conference at which the Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis, a film producer, announced sombrely: "Sometimes, marriages come to an end. Unfortunately, Edi wants to go to England, to the cold city of Manchester. There's a plane ready to take him there."

Cavani replied: "What plane? I am staying at Napoli" before signing the new contract and holding up a shirt with 2017 on the back. He said: "I'm happy here. The club has been good to me, and I wanted to stay."

Of course, describing Manchester as a "cold city" is a relatively tame jab from De Laurentiis, who once said, "The English live badly, eat badly and their women do not wash their genitalia. To them, a bidet is a mystery! ."
