Barton dedicates MotM award in Pardew's first game to Hughton

Alan Pardew received a decidedly unwelcoming accepting on his arrival in Newcastle this week after replacing a beloved Chris Hughton as manager. That should have done Newcastle's 3-1 home win over Liverpool on Saturday which most sweeter for Pardew as he undoubtedly got his power at a bar off to a far better start anyone in Newcastle expected, save Mike Ashley.

Despite a result, any hopes Pardew had of a club's players as well as fans rught away forgetful about Hughton as well as now descending in love with him were soon dashed as which old scamp Joey Barton accepted his Man of a Match endowment for scoring a winner.

Said Barton to ESPN:

''It was a tough week. We were all unhappy to remove Chris. He was a great male as well as everybody has said how cool he was as well as how most of a gentleman he was. 'He's a single of a nice guys of football as well as it's a shame. It's a vicious game.''

Yes, Joey Barton, it is a vicious game. Especially when your teammate puts a cigar out in your eyeball.

Anyway, when asked how impressed he's been with Pardew, Barton deadpanned, "It's usually been two days." And when a interviewer points out which Perfect Pardew already has a win, Barton shrugged, "Well, we suppose, yeah -- it's some-more a lads." we mean, who even needs a manager, anyway!

But prior to Pardew could burst in to tears over his players denying him any credit in a day's success, Barton offered a single last shot after being presented with his really dangerous bottle of champagne for winning Man of a Match (3:05 in to a video). "Can we just dedicate which to Chrissy [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] thanks for everything you've done for us at a football bar [inaudible] -- severely appreciated, thank you."

Get used to this, Alan Pardew. Even if you win every compare from now until a rest of a season, you'll probably still have everybody attributing it to Chrissy Hughton. And if you lose? Well, that's al! l your f ault, naturally.

Photo: Getty Images

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