Ian Holloway's hilarious rant against FIFA and the 2022 World Cup

Infuriatedby the news of FIFA deliberation the winter World Cup in 2022 to accommodate theclimate of Qatar (and, well, flattering most all else), Blackpoolmanager/press discussion hostess Ian Holloway delivered his latest greatrant in front of the congregated press.

Whenwe last left Ian's press discussion accumulation show, he was railingagainst Wayne Rooney as well as miserly agents everywhere. Now, he's set hiscrosshairs the bit higher, taking target during FIFA boss Sepp Blatter (or maybesomeone called Seth Blatter), UEFA boss Michel Platini as well as even the newBlackburn owners who sacked Sam Allardyce this week.

"They'reobviously so important," Holloway says of Qatar, "that we have tochange when we play our tournament. It's so critical which they have ourtournament, which belongs to the universe -- as well as we think I'm the universe person, aren'tI? we come from England." Yes, Ian. You have been the universe person. We're only notsure what universe which is yet.

Thereare so many gems in this video which it's tough to prominence them all. From hisaffirmation which "heads would roll...seriously" if he were in chargeto making certain we understand which he thinks Platini is "useless" tohis brilliant Sepp Blatter sense ("Whot?"), Holloway puts in amasterful performance. And even concludes with the "happyChristmas."

Whetheryou determine with him or not, you can't deny how good it is to see the manager actuallymake his Friday press discussion an interesting affair.

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