Barcas video tribute to Cesc is set to a song about a stalker

I really didn't want to post anything else about Cesc Fabregas, but this needs to be shared. Barca TV put together a lovely little video highlighting Cesc's start at the club and welcoming him back. The weird thing, though, is that they chose to use The Police's "Every Breath You Take" as the soundtrack to it. A song Sting (who wrote it) described as "sinister" and about "Big Brother, surveillance and control."

Here are some lyrics from the song:

O can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

In many ways, it's the perfect song for Barcelona's pursuit of (and Xavi's longing for) a player who told Arsenal one thing then did another. But it's probably not what Barca were going for. Next up, a video tribute to Javier Pastore made by PSG with the song "Money (That's What I Want)."

Thanks to Lauren for the spot!
