DTotD: Gladbach coach puts a scare into Baumjohann

Borussia Monchengladbach manager Lucien Favre put the fear of God into Schalke midfielder Alexander Baumjohann during Sunday's match. Baumjohann chased an errant ball into the technical area and attempted to kick it a little too close to Favre, who reacted by grabbing his collar and screaming in his face.

Baumjohann didn't scream back, though. Instead, he slowly backed away, wide-eyed and close to needing a new pair of shorts. Afterwards, Favre seemed to find the funny side of it all, while Baumjohann will probably have night terrors over this for weeks.

But the video really doesn't do the incident justice. Have a look at it in pictures...

DTotD: Gladbach coach puts a scare into Baumjohann

DTotD: Gladbach coach puts a scare into Baumjohann

DTotD: Gladbach coach puts a scare into Baumjohann

DTotD: Gladbach coach puts a scare into Baumjohann

Favre might not have been trying to scare him. This just might be how he goes in for a kiss.

Video: 101gg; Photos: Reuters
