This is Lionel Messi (a.k.a. Smerssi) as a Smurf

This is Lionel Messi (a.k.a. Smerssi) as a Smurf

Inspired by The Smurfs movie now repelling audiences around the world, the people at Globo's Bola nas Costas blog decided to work their photoshop magic and turn a bunch of footballers into the little blue cartoon creatures. This is the result.

I particularly like Smurf Messi's goatee and "Come at me, bro" stance. Smerssi will fight you. But if he's a little too hard for your liking, then the Ronaldinho Smurf might be the one for you...

This is Lionel Messi (a.k.a. Smerssi) as a Smurf

He's like a lovable little mascot for a porn company!
