Samir Nasri cant stop ripping Arsenal

Samir Nasri cant stop ripping Arsenal

The same Samir Nasri who went on Twitter and called Arsenal fans "really disrespectful" for singing about his lack of commitment to the club just two weeks before his big money move to Man City can't stop taking pops at his former home.

First, he said City supporters are more passionate and Arsenal fans are less passionate since the move from Highbury to the Emirates (apparently he forgot how "disrespectful" they were two weeks earlier), even though he never once played at Highbury. And now, just like Wayne Rooney, he says the club he was with just couldn't match his ambition.

Nasri told L'Equipe (via Sky Sports):

"Why did I not sign a new contract with Arsenal? We started talking in October but by June I did not have any news and I didn't see anything happening in the transfer market. There comes a time when you have to invest.

"I have heard people say I have moved for money. I make a good living at City, that is true, but I am 24 years old and I have reached a turning point in my career and it was important that I joined a club with ambition.

"I believe I have more chance of winning titles at Manchester City than at Arsenal."

To be fair, recent history would suggest that Nasri isn't ripping Arsenal so much as he's just being honest. And maybe a public statment like this will finally get Arsene Wenger to stop worrying about loan deals for 30-year-olds and actually spend some of that 60 million he has in his pocket.

Photo: Getty
