DT Exclusive: Iker and Villa trade insults over friendly handshake

In the midst of the ugly Clasico Overload aftermath, Real Madrid's Iker Casillas and Barcelona's David Villa both attended an event sponsored by Mahou beer. Casillas and Villa both claimed that the bitter rivalry has not turned friends into enemies and that the bad blood is all just a media creation. Their hushed conversation over their seemingly friendly handshake while playing foosball for the cameras tells a different story. The following is a transcript of what (we imagine) was said.

Casillas: Hahaha you shake hands like a baby, David.

Villa: Hahaha you shake hands like an Iker Casillas. Which is weaker than a baby.

Casillas: Genius comeback. By the way, the lead singer of Soundgarden called. He wants you to return his soul patch to him in 1993.

Villa: At least I can grow facial hair. Did you forget to wash your face today, Iker?

Casillas: Actually, I did. So...(sticks tongue out).

Villa: Now that's a genius comeback.

Casillas: I know it is.

Villa: So when is Mourinho going to show up and accuse UNICEF of helping me win this game of foosball?

Casillas: When is Busquets going to show up and fall on the ground after saying something racist?

Villa: When is your girlfriend going to show up and bad mouth Cristiano Ronaldo?

Casillas: When is Lionel Messi going to show up and score way more goals than you?

Villa: Lemur, lemur!

Casill as: Did you just call me a lemur?

Villa: No, I said: lollipop, lollipop.

Casillas: (Crying) I'm going to have Pepe kick you so hard!

Villa: Well I'm going to have Pique bleed on you while you sleep.

Casillas: I hate you times a million.

Villa: I hate you times infinity.

Both: I hate you times infinity infinity infinity infinity....

Photo: Efe
