Ryan Giggs gets Taiwanese animation, pooped on by Twitter birds

Since accusing celebrities of adultery is the only hope the dying newspaper industry has at making money, much has been made about the not at all anonymous Premier League footballer who took out a superinjunction against the press to keep his name from being attached to stories of an affair with model Imogen Thomas. In doing so, he threw her to wolves, since she wasn't protected by the court order and before long, everyone seemed to know his identity thanks mostly to Twitter.

Over the weekend, Scottish paper The Sunday Herald published Ryan Giggs' picture on their cover and tied him to the story, which has now prompted those silly scamps in Taiwan to give Giggs their special animated treatment. The highlights?

-Imogen Thomas apparently being unable to button her shirt.

-Ryan Giggs wearing John Stockton shorts.

-Ryan Giggs crying waterfalls of tears in court, while surrounded by Twitter birds.

-Said Twitter birds pooping on him and his podium.

-Saying that the story's appearance on Wikipedia "makes it official."

It's yet another fine effort from Next Media Animation. But I think the Ashley Cole air rifle video is still the best.
