Park Ji-Sung has fans who send him money, still dislikes fame

No matter how you feel about Manchester United, it's hard not to like Park Ji-Sung (or at least hate him less than his teammates) and the relentless way he plays the game. In 2009, he became the first Asian to play in a UEFA Champions League final and he will be the only one again this year if he plays on Saturday. By the Associated Press' streamlined logic, this supposedly means that he will have the support of the entire continent behind him.

Regardless of whether this is true or not (note: Barcelona are pretty popular in Asia, too), his fans sound pretty fantastic. But apparently not fantastic enough to make him enjoy being famous. From the AP:

Little wonder then that the Old Trafford mail room is so full of parcels for him, even rivaling star striker Wayne Rooney's haul of fan-mail.

"They send me everything from food, clothes, sweets," Park said. "I have been sent money before because the notes in South Korea changed and they sent me the new ones so that I could see them because I'm living here. Maybe they're worried I'll forget about home!" [...]

"I actually don't like being a famous person, but I play for Manchester United so I get that attention and there aren't many Asian players in Europe or the Premier League, so that's more attention for me and I have to play better than other players in Europe." [...]

"Even though I am famous when I finish my career my fame will be decreased so it will be more relaxed at home," he said. "I left my country for 11 or 12 years a! nd I mis s it so I will definitely go back there I just want to be a normal person."

Even if it's just to remind him of home, who else has fans that send them money?! Granted, he certainly makes enough on his own to not need it, but if that doesn't make you love being famous, nothing will.

Photo: Getty
