Former Real Madrid president compares Mourinho to Hitler

Bitter former Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon is apparently still holding onto a lot of anger for the club and what more reasonable way to express that anger than to go on the radio and compare Jose Mourinho to Adolf Hitler?


Despite the inability to overtake rivals Barcelona in the league and in Europe, Mourinho is thought to still have the backing of supporters, something Calderon was keen to comment on.

"You can have millions of fans cheering for you, but Hitler was also acclaimed by millions of people before he took a tumble," the lawyer told Catalan radio station ONA FM.

He just compared a football manger to Hitler. Where do you even begin with that? I mean, that's the kind of statement that you don't even dignify with a response. Unless you're Jose Mourinho. In which case, this will probably be something he hammers away at all summer. He's probably feverishly drafting up a whole catalog of responses right now, in between trying to sell Karim Benzema and laughing maniacally over Real Madrid sacking his nemesis Jorge Valdano.

Calderon wasn't done there, though. Most people would go out on the Hitler comparison, but Calderon still had to talk about current Real president Florentino Perez and work in a reference to erectile dysfunction...

"I feel sorry for Madrid and Florentino. Yesterday [during the announcement that Valdano will leave Madrid] I had the sensation of seeing a student who didn't know the lesson taking a primary exam," he added.

"They talked so much about dysfunction! that t hey may as well of been talking about erectile dysfunction. It reflects a pathetic picture. It was like seeing a corpse in search of a coffin."

Well, it takes one to know one, Ramon. It takes one to know one.

Photo: Getty Images
