Naples attempt at Champions League cappuccino is pretty weak

We've already documented how the merchants of Naples have been trying to cash in on Napoli's success this season and now that they have earned a place in the Champions League, it's getting worse.

Behold -- the (unofficial) UEFA Champions League cappuccino. Now, that's supposed to be the famous big eared trophy outlined in the foam there. But if it weren't for that helpful sign, it would be fair to guess that was some kind of basket or a tribute to the Dan Aykroyd film Coneheads.

I didn't think it was possible, but this might even be worse than the "Cappuccino Cavani," which was just a normal cappuccino sprinkled with cinnamon in the shape of a crude "7" on top.

Anyway, the genius behind Sausage Cavani agrees that this is all pretty lazy and shameful...
