Wenger, Arsenal players struggle to speak Chinese

(Select the closed captioning option on the YouTube page for English subtitles.)

Clubs try a lot of things to prove that they care about far away fans in order to squeeze the most cash out of them during summer tours. This is one of those things.

In a scene reminiscent of Wayne Campbell from Wayne's World trying to learn Cantonese to impress Tia Carrere, several Arsenal players and their manager (who picked up some Japanese when he took charge of Nagoya Grampus Eight for a season) try to show their Chinese fans just how much they care by butchering their language. Some give valiant efforts, while others resort to holding up cue cards and making funny faces (Johan Djourou). Wenger, meanwhile, speaks as if he's doing mouth exercises.

Kieran Gibbs thanks you for eating Arsenal.

Video via 101gg
