David Luiz shares his endearing but limited grasp of English

Between his hair, his tenacity and his unexpected goal scoring, but David Luiz has done more than enough to endear himself to his new club. And now we find out that even his limited English is fantastically charming.

In an interview with Chelsea TV after his spectacular goal against Man City, Luiz was asked (through personal translator Paulo Ferreira) how his English lessons were going and if he could give a message, in English, to Chelsea fans. He smiled, looked a little embarrassed, and quietly said, "I love football. I love...Chelsea."

Of course, we all know that Luiz is secretly fluent in English and sounds remarkably similar to Kelsey Grammer when plotting against Bart Simpson, but the quiet young man who only knows how to say "I love" routine is still quite effective.

Meanwhile, Fernando Torres would like to tell all Chelsea fans while he isn't scoring goals at the moment, he can speak English and he'd be more than happy to wash their cars or do just about anything else to make them like him.
