DTotD: Pepe kicking Lyon players in the head and body

It should come as no surprise that the man most famous for repeatedly kicking Getafe's Javier Casquero in the back and receiving a 10-match ban for it unleashed his feet of fury on Lyon. As Real Madrid eased to a 3-0 second leg win to advance to the Champions League quarterfinals on Thursday, Pepe quickly earned a yellow card in just the 9th minute -- but that was just the beginning. From there he kicked Lisandro Lopez both in the head and in the midsection on separate occasions and, for a grand finale, he got impressive leg extensive to kick Aly Cissokho in the side of the head. All of that went unpunished, though.

And no, I don't think it was a coincidence that this video appears to have been made by a Barcelona fan.

Video via 101gg
